Summer Program

Ages 3 years - 8 years


Our Summer program highlights the importance of time spent outside engaging in basic sports skills, group games, water and sand play, art, and crafts, exploring ooey-gooey science experiments, and enriching visitors that will enhance our summer themes.

Our unique Summer Program Experience is designed with the interests of the children first.  Our planned summer themes and visitors will round out your child’s summer fun.  Experienced staff will plan your child’s day to meet his/her needs which may cross over from one theme to another during the week, or a particular interest may extend over a two-week period.  It would not be unusual to see children engaged in Ooey-Gooey Science experiments on the playground and participating in our Fitness is Fun theme, preparing a healthy snack with ingredients they helped prepare.

Art and Crafts • Science Explorations • Water and Sand Play • Cooking • Music and Dance • Basic Sports • Outside Time Daily • Friendships • Special Family Events

Creative Creations

Ooey-Gooey Science

Sports Stars

Imagination is Cool

Outside is FUN

Fitness Fun

Steam Exploration

Creative Creations Ooey-Gooey Science Sports Stars Imagination is Cool Outside is FUN Fitness Fun Steam Exploration

  • Research shows that summer experiences for children ages 2.5 to 6 years old should include play that is directed. The value of this type of play has been documented as benefiting creativity, imagination, and dexterity along with the child's physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

  • Children learn in an environment where they are comfortable choosing areas of interest based on their development.

  • Teachers plan our summer program experience with the interests of the children in mind, choosing themes and focus areas that encourage young children to make choices, explore, participate, make friends, and most importantly, have FUN!

  • Join us for an old-fashioned summer experience and feel secure that your child is with family!